Jan. 26, Theory Seminar talk by Dr. J. Megow (U Potsdam): Calculating optical spectra of molecular aggregates: treatment of dispersive excitation energy shifts
Jan. 21, Graduate's Colloquium talk by M. Schröter: Dissipative exciton dynamics in light-harvesting complexes – developing methods and models to understand a primary step of photosynthesis
Jan. 19, Theory Seminar talk by Dr. J. C. Tremblay (FU Berlin): Ultrafast electron dynamics in nanostructures from an atomistic configuration interaction perspective
Jan. 14, Graduate's Colloquium talk by H. Wang: Simulation of non-equilibrium electronic and spin-state dynamics in transition metal complexes
Dec. 15, Theory Seminar talk by Sven Karsten
Nov. 12, Dedication of the new physics buildings [LINK]
Oct. 2, Bachelor defense by L. Ahrens-Iwers
Sep. 24, Bachelor defense by T. Köster
Sep. 24, Master defense by M. Preuße
Sep. 15, Bachelor defense by C. Gieße
Sep. 2, Our group has moved to the new building
A. Ahmed, M. Schröter, H. Wang, S. Bokarev, D. Brandenburg, X. Liu, C. Dettmann,
P.-A. Plötz, T. Möhle, T. Köster, O. Kühn, M. Preuße, T. Zentel, G. Grell, J. Schulze,
F. Gottwald, S. Karsten, S. Ivanov, L. Ahrens-Iwers
July 22, 2015 PhD defense of Mateusz Lisaj
front row: L. Ahrens-Iwers, A. Ahmed, S. Karsten, G. Grell, M. Lisaj, T. Zentel
back row: H. Wang, X. Liu, M. Schröter, J. Schulze, O. Kühn, P.-A. Plötz
front row: G. Grell, A. Ahmed, M. Lisaj, T. Zentel
back row: H. Wang, X. Liu, S. Karsten, M. Schröter, J. Schulze, P.-A. Plötz
July 21, 2015 Beach volleyball match with the Lochbrunner group at the beach in Warnemünde
front row: O. Kühn, A. Friedrich, M. Olson, S. Bokarev, H. Wang
back row: G. Grell, S. Wolter, M. Lütgens, S. Ivanov, S. Lochbrunner, P.-A. Plötz, T. Zentel, X. Liu
June 4, 2015 Canoe summer excursion through the Warnow valley
front row: O. Kühn, S. Ivanov, C. Gieße, H. Wang
middle row: M. Lisaj, S. Karsten, M. Preuße, T . Zentel, C. Dettmann, X. Liu, L. Ahrens-Iwers
back row: P.-A. Plötz, M. Schröter, J. Schulze, T. Köster
June 1, 2015 Modern physics building will be inaugurated in November [LINK]
May 5, 2015 Physics department obtains exceptionally good results in CHE university ranking [LINK]
May 4, 2015 M. Sc. Disputation by Gilbert Grell
Feb. 23 till Mar. 6 Visit by Dr. Mohamed Shibl (Qatar)
Feb. 27, 2015 Visit by Prof. Tõnu Pullerits (Lund University, Sweden)
Meeting of the partners of the joint Qatar-Rostock-Lund project "Learning from Nature: Coherence for Novel Solar Applications" [Article in the local newspaper] [Article on University web page]
f.l.t.r.: Jan Schulze, Marco Schröter, Oliver Kühn, Mohamed Shibl, and Tõnu Pullerits
(in front of the entrance of the new physics building)
Dec. 16, 2014 Christmas bowling competition with our experimental partner group - theoreticians win but experimentalists are quiet close [Results]
Dec. 4, 2014 Marco Schröter receives the Faculty Award for the best master studies in physics [LINK][PICTURES]
Nov. 20, 2014 Visit of Dwayne Miller (CFEL Hamburg)
Nov. 19, 2014 B. Sc. Disputation of Chris Rehhagen
Nov. 2014 Oliver Kühn rocks the local dancefloors
Oct. 28, 2014 Theory seminar talk by Fabian Gottwald on Generalized Langevin Equations
Oct. 24, 2014 M. Sc. Disputation of Sven Karsten
Oct. 2014 Marco Schröter's master thesis "Dissipative Exciton Dynamics in Light-Harvesting Complexes" accepted for Springer Spektrum BestMasters series
Sep. 30, 2014 M. Sc. Disputation of Fabian Gottwald
Sep. 29, 2014 M. Sc. Disputations of Marco Schröter and Jan Schulze
Aug. 27-28, 2014 3rd Workshop „Exciton Dynamics and Spectroscopy“ [Program]
Dec. 30, 2013 Ashour's project gets news coverage in the Ostsee-Zeitung [LINK]
Dec. 17, 2013 Theoreticians win the Christmas bowling competition
Nov. 5, 2013 PhD Defense Ashour Ahmed
Oct. 22, 2013 New Physics buildings are taking shape (photo by Prof. Meiwes-Broer)
Aug. 2013 PRL & Angew. Chem. publication with E. Aziz (HZB) in the news [UR, idw, scinexx, …]
Jul. 2, 2013 Summer beach volleyball competition, yes! theory still better
May 1, 2013 50 km bicycle tour from Güstrow to Rostock
Feb. 2013 Research Report of the Institute of Physics 2010-2012 online