Completed Bachelor Projects
Alexander Severon (2024)
Properties of Organic Molecules Adsorbed in Two-dimensional Hexagonal Boron Nitride Under Strain
Adrian Hammermeister (2024)
Machine Learning in der Quantenmechanik
Maura Münier (2023)
Coarse-graining Techniques Applied to Condensed Matter Systems
Torben Voß (2022)
Simulation von Auger-Spektren mit Multi-Referenz Methoden über K-Kanten hinaus
Publication in: J. Chem. Theory Comput. (2022) [LINK]
Thies Romig (2022)
Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in Transition Metal Complexes
Lucas Kleindienst(2021)
Quantum Dynamical Simulations of the Vibronic Dynamics of a Vanadium Metal-organic Complex
Florian Zersch (2021)
Functionalization of Graphene
Felix Medwed (2021)
Exciton Dynamics in Mesoscale Systems
Patrick Staschick (2021)
Analysis and Assignment of Molecular Photoelectron Spectra
Tomas Kreißel (2021)
Molecular Photoionization Spectra With the Discrete Continuum Representation
Anne-Marie Esche (2021)
Exploring the Nature of Binding Between Nanoplastics and Soil Organic Matter by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Erik Weilandt (2020)
Quantendynamik des Frenkel Exzitonen Transfers jenseits der Förster Näherung
Lorenz Dettmann (2018)
Ab initio molecular dynamics of P-compounds at mineral/water interfaces
Otto Geburtig (2017)
X-ray resonant inelastic scattering spectra of complex systems
Andy Kaiser (2017)
Modeling Auger spectra for simple systems
Johannes Willeke (2016)
Unravelling the Mechanism of Glyphosate Binding to a Goethite Surface: DFT based Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Ludwig Ahrens-Iwers (2015)
Exciton-Vibrational Dynamics in Light-Harvesting Complexes
Till Köster (2015)
Sampling the Wigner Function for Semiclassical Initial Value Representation Methods
Céline Gieße (2015)
Parametrization of Experimentally Obtained Spectral Densities of Light-Harvesting Complexes for Dissipative Exciton Dynamics Simulations
Chris Rehhagen (2014)
Determining the free energies and reaction mechanisms via accelerated molecular dynamics
Tobias Möhle (2014)
Theoretical Modeling of Phosphorescence Spectra of Metal Complexes
Philipp Hennig (2014)
Dynamics of Coulomb Systems
Julius Zimmermann (2014)
Treating Coulomb Singularities by Means of Bead Fourier Path Integral Techniques
Magdalene Hempel (2013)
Temperaturabhängigkeit der Exzitonendynamik in Perylenbisimid-Aggregaten
Publication in: Journal of Physics B (2017) [LINK]
Sven Karsten (2012)
Towards Precise Benchmarks for the Infrared Spectra Provided by Quasi-classical Simulations
Gilbert Grell (2012)
Theoretical Study of Elementary Processes During the Photocatalytic Water Splitting
Publication in: Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2014) [LINK]
Fabian Gottwald (2012)
Why does classical molecular dynamics yield quantum-mechanical infrared spectra?
Marco Schröter (2012)
Interne Konversion und Exzitonendynamik in molekularen Aggregaten
Publication in: Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2013) [LINK]
Jan Schulze (2011)
Exzitonendynamik in molekularen Aggregaten
Publication in: Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2012) [LINK]
Laura Tropf (2011)
Quantendynamische Simulationen ultraschneller Schalter für molekulare photonische Drähte
Robert Kemsies (2011)
Korrelierte Dynamik von Wasserstoffbrücken in kondensierter Phase
Per-Arno Plötz (2010)
Quantum Dynamics Simulations of Laser Driven Molecular Dissociation
Axel Schild (FU Berlin, 2007)
The Cell Model of a Hydrogen Molecule in a para-H2 Crystal
Publication in: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 135401 (2010) [LINK]